Hero Justice 2000X940 Hero Justice 2000X940

Lexly Group

Headquartered in Stockholm, Lexly is also located in Oslo (Norway) and in Copenhagen (Denmark) .

Across the world

As the market leader in Scandinavia, we will continue to expand into new markets and drive change in legal services. 

For more information on each country's products and services please pay a visit to our local websites.


Stockholm 1

Lexly Sweden

Lexly was first established in Sweden, where we have developed and refined our business model. Having served over 300.000 customers and secured all major banks as partners Lexly owns the Swedish market for digital legal solutions. We continue to see exciting developments in Sweden as we expand our services and deepen our partnerships.

Visit lexly.se

Picture of city of Oslo in Norway

Lexly Norway

In January 2023 Lexly established a fully owned company in Norway. Norway was the first country we entered by building it ourselves brick by brick, with a technical platform that supports our entire global organization. A disruption in the Norwegian legal market has already started to take place and Lexly will take part and continue to drive this shift.

Visit lexly.no

Illustration of Copenhagen

Lexly Denmark

In 2022 Lexly acquired the danish company LegalHero. LegalHero was founded in 2016 and is today a one-stop-platform for legal services for both private consumers and SMEs in Denmark. With a vision to democratize access to legal services by fundamentally changing the delivery model of legal services. LegalHero now known as Lexly Denmark, employs more than 120 lawyers and serves thousands of clients.

Visit lexly.dk